How to Remove the Smell of Smoke From Fire Out of Your Clothes

Fires can create thick smoke and soot that leave stains almost anywhere in your home. Smoke smells can linger for weeks or months and may even set into clothing and fabrics for good. From removing smoke odors from clothing to cleaning soot stains, we explain how to clean clothes and other fabrics after a fire.

Smoke smells lingering after a fire? Call 1-888-443-3110 now for a free estimate on smoke damage cleanup and odor removal.

How to Remove Smoke Smell From Clothing?

Smoke smells after a fire can linger in clothing and other fabrics for weeks or even months depending on the severity of the fire. So the longer you wait to deal with smoke damaged clothing, the greater the chance odors will set in.

In order to remove smoke smell from clothing, you need to soak them in baking soda or vinegar. Then wash them with a degreaser to remove soot stains. For the best results, hang them outside to dry.

  1. Soak Smokey Clothes in Baking Soda The best way to get smoke smells out of clothes is by soaking them in baking soda. Separate clothing by similar colors and work in small batches for the best results. Fill your washing machine with cold water and a cup of baking soda, then allow clothes to soak for several hours or even overnight. Keeping the washing machine lid open will usually prevent the cycle from running. If the smoke odors remain, drain the washing machine and repeat the process until they are gone.
  2. Clean Soot Stains with Vinegar If your clothes have smoke or soot stains, you can wash them using a cup of regular laundry detergent mixed with a cup of distilled white vinegar. For added soot stain-removing power, add in a half a cup of oxygen-based bleach as well. You can also add in another cup of baking soda for added odor removal. In some cases, you may need to wash items several times. Avoid drying stained clothing until the stains are gone. For tough stains, use a stain remover designed for grease.
  3. Dry Your Clothing After removing smoke smells and stains, you can finally dry your clothes. While you can use your clothes drier, hang them outside in the sun if possible. The sun and fresh air will help remove any lingering odors and leave your clothes smelling great. If you do use your dryer, use the lowest heat setting. Although it will take longer, this will keep the heat from setting in lingering smoke odors.

How to Get Rid of Smoke Odors and Soots Stains from Dry Clean Only Clothing?

For dry clean only clothing with smoke smells and soot stains, the best option is to take them to a professional. Look for a dry cleaner that specializes in removing fire and smoke damage.

If your clothing only has a smoke smell, you can hang it outside or use a home dry cleaning product. However, you should avoid washing dry clean only clothing. Not only can this damage your clothing, but it can also help set in the stain or odor.

Who to Call for Fire or Smoke Damage Cleanup?

Removing smoke smells from clothing is only one step to recovering from a fire. If your home is damaged after a fire, we can help. Our fire damage restoration contractors clean up all types of soot and smoke damage. Call 1-888-443-3110 now for a free estimate from one of our local restoration contractors.

How to Remove the Smell of Smoke From Fire Out of Your Clothes


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